Since I don't post a lot, here is a background. I have a 5 (almost 6) year old DS who is very self driven. Much smarter than me but, definitely gets it honestly. (Please don't judge me by my grammar I was a horrible student until college, lol.) He is one of those kids that gets fixated on something until he gets it right, ok he totally gets THAT from me. He started with letters when he was a baby and started reading at 2 and well at 3. He lagged behind on his maths but, has a full grasp of negative numbers and figured out multiplication on his own and gets that there is an opposite to it, he just isn't interested in it yet. He was also speech delayed and has been labeled with ASD by the school however we haven't had an official diagnosis since his OT, ST, DT and two peds have said no that isn't what they think is going on. I have a Psychiatrist referral but, haven't taken him yet.

DS has his K phelps testing today. It was super quick. I could hear him in there but, not 100%. Basically could just hear him giving her the answers and repeating what she wanted repeated etc. All the while I am in the waiting area filling out the paper on whether or not he knows how to count to ten, recognize the letters in his name and can he pick out some capital letters. It may be a very long year. On the plus side I think I have a kid that is happy for now to do easy work as long as he is getting praised for it and very eager to play with the kids (only child).
I volunteered to be a weekly helper so hopefully that will help me stay on top of things. I am SO nervous. He LOVED his developmental preschool so much but, it was so non-academic that it worked great for him. He has kind of done one of his 'stalls' I call them where it seems like his learning is slowing down but, then suddenly he jumps way up seemingly from nowhere. I won't be surprised if he starts K at a 4th grade reading level and possibly doing long division.

I am very grateful our IEP meeting falls in September. I think it will be a good evaluation time.

I have also been told he will even out. If people only knew how silly that sounded to us.