We are. After a lot of visiting schools and some set-backs, we're starting early at a local private school that is suffering financially (low enrollment with the recession-- though the local public just laid of a ton of teachers, so more folks might flee this coming year) but has a history of rigor, acceleration, and prestigious college acceptances. That's of course assuming that they eventually send the contract to us. Every few weeks we get an email saying they should be coming out "next week."

Re: liking to read: The magic treehouse books were like crack to my son. Sometimes we'd take turns reading (him a page, me a page) but definitely something he sought out and read himself in order to find out what happens next. The magic school bus books were a hit too, specifically the easy readers and the old ones from the 1970s. He hasn't really been hooked so much on their chapter books or the comic book or the newer ones that are the same size as the ones from the 1970s but have the tv cast art.