Re: getting into reading. Mine was an early reader, but he didn't "like" reading until recently. We found that he really liked the DK early reader books, which come in different levels and many topics. My DS liked the DK books about Star Wars.

Re: kindergarten. We were advocacy machines. The school knew going in that DS was at levels higher than kindy in math and reading, but the teacher wanted to get to know him first. Although I understand this, it ended up seeming like a waste of time to us. We decided not to argue for too much in reading, as the teacher seemed pretty good at differentiating with that, and we went for math. What finally convinced them that our DS needed more was when he took their MAP test and scored really high. The GT teacher ended up basically tutoring DS in 2nd grade math, compacted curriculum. We advocated/begged/asked a lot for 6 months before our DS got this appropriate math. We also offered to pay for EPGY in the classroom for our DS, which they were willing to entertain, but they came up with the better plan for math.

For us, skipping kindy probably wouldn't have been so good, since our DS didn't want to learn how to write yet. Our goal for kindy was learning to write and learning to "do school", and anything extra was bonus. Our DS then skipped first.

Good luck to all, and get your advocacy hats on now!

Last edited by st pauli girl; 05/19/11 08:47 AM.