My opinions about SI and the gifted- I think tnat many are very sensitive to their enviroment. I also think that there maybe a correlation at times with degree of sensitivity and IQ level. My son's pediatrician noted when he was days old that he was overly alert. He started to track by two weeks; initially I thought he was not hearing and compensating by over using his sight. I spoke to his MD but she assured me he had been tested and he was fine.

Later we noted He was overly sensitive to sound also. To the point that he would scream for hours if something loud went off - ie. fire alarm; attempted to take him to sesame street live at 2 1/2y- bad idea- had to leave. At 2 yrs he He would cry if someone hit someone else in a playgroup( not him). He became profoundly concerned with poverty and societal woes at 4 yrs. as far as academics he loves to learn, I am quite sure he could self teach himself mostly anything.

Last year d/t we took him to be tested for some gifted program- outside school. She gave him a WISR and his Full scale score was 151; verbal and perf were basically the same score. From what I have read/learned since; to get an actual accurate score he should have the stanford-binet done.

Anyways this year at school is going okay- we always have issues at school. This yr he decided to definitely test boundaries and he needed time to get adjusted. So far I think his teacher gets him and at times is amused by his antics(to a point).
Through this all I am actually thinking about going back to school to get my psych degree also.
thank for all the replies
