Kayl29 -
Sorry - I didn't mean to tell you stuff you already know! First of all, congradulate yourself for all the reading and work you've already done - picture what your son would have been like without all that.

I'm tantalized that you have your own opinions about SI in giffted - same or different - please share what you've figured out so far.

Have you read the SI article in uniquely gifted?
Uniquely Gifted : Identifying and Meeting the Needs of the Twice Exceptional Student (An Avocus Advocacy in Education Title) (Paperback)
by Kiesa Kay (Author), Kay Kiesa (Editor)

I related to that article for my DS10 much more than "out of sync child."

I also recall reading The Sensory-Sensitive Child: Practical Solutions for Out-of-Bounds Behavior (Hardcover)
by Karen A. Smith (Author), Karen R. Gouze (Author) though it didn't do much for me, I believe one of the authors is an OT, and the prologe about the "professional as parents" was good.

Personally, i would look for a good OT who specialises in SI and is "gifted-compatible." Golly - attend CE courses and meet the gurus if you have to!

I wouldn't suggest providing therapy for your own kid, and certianly not doing the evaluation. At 10 years old, these gifted kids can be in "mental puberty" if not physical puberty also. You are still centerally important, but village building is super important now.

How you ever had DS tested? I would consider a trip to Boulder Colorodo for the full IQ/achievement tests if you've never gone that route. It's possible that a more challenging curricula will even out those behavior problems. I just started my DS10 in private prep school, and he seems more contented and light-hearted. ((Not all extroverts are life of the parties.))

Have you thought about school situation? How about Saturday Enrichment? I'm guessing that your location has an active gifted group?

Please try not to be hard on yourself - parenting isn't supposed to be done in isolation, but with kids that don't fit the mold, here can seem to be precious little choice -

Oh - How far are you from Annemarie Roper?

Love and More Love -

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