Thanks for the response, mumofthree...Maybe my daughters and I all have "a touch" of ADD. I understand exactly what you are saying. Your two girls sound just like mine.

But now I DO wonder a bit about the possibility of a "stealth dyslexia". Her handwriting is messy, and she occasionally reverses her bs and ds still. I did not really worry about it, because I help out in the classroom and see a lot of kids whose handwriting is worse than hers, and there are more kids who still reverse letters. She does not do it often, and I just sort of thought it was because she wrote fast. In fact, the psychologist said the same thing. Her handwriting is messy because she is trying to get her ideas out of her head so quickly.

She actually loves to write. Other kids will struggle to write a story that is a page long, and she will write three. So, I don't know. She reads two grade levels above where she should be. So, again, not sure that dyslexia fits, either. Or maybe I am just worrying myself to death!