Hi Colomom -
Your daughter is clearly very bright, and from what you report seems to be doing well. I am not sure what to make of her WMI - especially the digit span score. It is quite low, and even for a very average student, a low WMI would cause some stress and glitches with academics and even everyday issues.

There is a possibility that the score might be different taken on a different day; but assuming that it is correct, I just want to caution you about thinking that she "forgets" because she doesn't care. My guess is that she forgets, because her memory is not that strong, and if there is a bit of information that she cannot easily connect to something else to give it more meaning, it is more difficult to easily store and retrieve it in her brain. This may look like spacey or lazy behavior.

I have a neighbor that is HG and was soaring through a very competitive prep school. While playing sports, she had a very serious concussion that affected her working memory. Until her brain recovered, she struggled with school. Everything took more time, she had to study much more carefully, and she began to better understand the struggles her younger brother with LD faced.

Again, clearly your daughter is very bright and will do VERY well. No doubt if her WMI is really this low, she will come up with compensatory strategies. As she develops, I hope that adults around her realize that any potential forgetfulness is not willful or lazy. She may have some real difficulties holding info in short term memory while her brain figures out how to manipulate it or store it into long term memory.