We had an hour long session with the evaluator, who works extensively with gifted children, consults with a local school district about T/G programs, etc. I really grilled her about the WM issue, and she just really seemed unconcerned about it. I had her meet several times with my daughter before she started testing her. The only thing that she did mention was that she felt that those results pulled down her overall score, because she feels that the VCI and PRI are much more indicative of my DD's abilities. She also really wanted me to look into a local talented and gifted charter school for my daughter. So, I don't know. Of course, I will be really interested to read the report when we get it.

My gut instinct says there is nothing "wrong". I do know that I have a hard time getting DD's attention when she is concentrating on something (a book, making one of her "creations", or whatever). So, I think that can play into her not paying attention, but she is only 8. She gets very, very absorbed in whatever she is doing, no matter what it is, for whatever reason. If it is something important I am trying to tell her, and I know she is not 100% focused on me, I ask her to repeat what I said back to me, to make sure she got it.

And, by the way, she has finally learned our phone number! Small miracles.

mich- that is hilarious about the Euros. And we "forget" aka lose stuff here all of the time, although DD would NEVER forget money wink