There seems to be a lot of concern in regards to possible gender statistical differences in specific subjects. I was once a strong believer in the nurture side, but have since come to accept the nature side. This does not mean nurture does not have an affect, but nature may determine the ultimate potential and the difficulty in achieving a particular level.

If I had to choose which skills I admire more, I would choose the skills I see as statistically more common in females. This is not to say I don't admire the skills more statistically found in males. In my opinion, the skills statistically found in males are more often than not valued more highly from an income point of view. I am not so much bothered by statistical gender differences as much as by the difference in value between these in my opinion equally valuable skills sets. Another problem I see is we don't even attempt to recognize or measure these skills.

Have you ever had someone serving you food at a restaurant and they treated you as if they had known you for a very long time and yet you have only just met. The ability to intuitively interact with a large variety of people is an absolutely amazing skill, yet it is not tested on any IQ test. They test the ability to rotate 3d objects made up of a small number of simple polygons, yet do not test the ability to rotate more complex objects such as faces. I would be willing to bet if they had both types of 3d objects on IQ tests, in most cases, those who were good at one type would not be as good at the other type.

The way I structured the sentences and paragraphs in this post is what I would call my natural communication style. I am totally aware this style will cause a lot of people to have difficulty interpreting what I have written. The ability to deal with longer sentences and context changes in paragraphs is a skill more often found in females. Being able to carry on from where a conversation had left off from the day before is another communications skill more often found in females. In order to communicate to a more typical male, you have to first ensure they have switched the context of their brain to the current topic. Then you have to remind them of what had been said in previous communications. You can then move forward with new information. If you ever find yourself frustrated at technical meetings when they go over everything from the previous meeting and only have a small amount of time left to discuss new topics, then you probably have a more female typical brain.