Originally Posted by ultramarina
Males on average are better suited to rapidly changing daily activities. A person in the early stages of a career are often put in roles where this is a valuable skill. Females on average are far better at long term planning.

I'd be interested to see the data you are drawing this from.
I base this first on a lifetime of observation, followed by years of trying to find the pattern of variation in human behavior, cognitive strenghts and weaknesses. Have done some work in coorelating what I have been doing to other studies, but this is still fairly preliminary.

Basically throughing out the odd idea to see how people react to it. Not necessarily suggesting the ideas are necessarily accurate, but sometimes throwing them out there can stir up some useful feedback. My primary goal however, is to make an attempt to communicate these ideas in a way others can understand them. More a communications exercise than anything.

Another area I am struggling with is to find a source of people who might actually understand the more unique areas I have been working on. This is not my real career, but I have at times in my career found myself the lone person working on certain types of projects within the organization. I don't personally consider the work I have often done in the past to be any more complex than what others do, but some of it has definitely been rather unique in nature.

I learned over the years it never hurts to throw out ideas into the places many people would least expect to get good information from. This forum has some amazing minds on it, so in my opinion, this is a place where I expect to find some real gems of information. My purpose for being on this forum is not related to throwing out these ideas, but I just couldn't resist the temptation.

Didn't have any intention of speaking of this, but since you asked where this is coming from, you now have my answer. The reason I am on this forum is the paid work I am doing is not really my cup of tea at the moment. Sometimes when I am running into difficulty working through this type of work, I do something interesting and suddenly I get paste my mental block. Some of the techniques I have used over the years to work through these problems came from recommendations on how to work with gifted children when they have similar issues.

I thought I might find some new useful techniques on here, but it turned out just communicating with all the interesting people on here has been working for me.