Originally Posted by Val
...the answer isn't to give in and pretend that someone claiming that up is down has a valuable opinion.
I may be missing something... please fill me in on what that is. In the meanwhile it seems to me that the educational system as described in the article is basically claiming that up is down when they thwart a student's progress and learning, then assign low grades although the student has clearly demonstrated mastery.

Originally Posted by Val
Nor is it reasonable to allow the claims that people who spend years or decades learning about something are only "so-called experts" who can be ignored because Dr. W said so...
I may be missing something... please fill me in on what that is. In the meanwhile it seems to me that the teachers and administrators have spent years or decades learning about education and may actually be only "so-called experts" because the educational system does not appear to delve into the topics of giftedness, and a teacher may encounter 0-3 pupils of high IQ (145+) in their career.

Originally Posted by Val
... and besides, he's a hero whose medical license was unfairly taken by the biased Establishment.
I may be missing something... please fill me in on what that is. In the meanwhile it appears that this quoted statement may be off-topic and not derived from this article per se.

In an attempt to make a connection to the article, it is my understanding that both teachers and those in the medical field may lose a license by failing to renew the license, misconduct at work, involvement in a criminal act, malpractice (failing to provide what students/patients needed), or committing fraud (such as by providing false credentials or falsifying records). Unfortunately, there may also be a current trend toward what is called "lawfare" or using the legal system as a weapon and conducting warfare by accusing people... as most people tend to exhaust their financial resources and are therefore unable to defend themselves fully.