It�s looking more and more like I�ll be quitting my job and homeschooling DS7 and DS9 next year.

We asked for what we thought were some pretty reasonable assurances about next year from DC�s current private school, and they declined to provide them, so we�ve elected to be �possibly returning� for next year pending acceptable info.
Frankly, I'm vascillating between excited and terrified at the thought of homeschooling, and have about a zillion questions. I plan to check out local homeschooling requirements and homeschool groups. I recall some advice here about either getting one of the �What every Xth grader needs to know� books, or else a list from our county of the public school curriculum for each grade to ensure we don�t fall behind in anything. And another thing that sticks out was to try to avoid spending a bundle on any curriculum when you get started, because you won�t know yet what will/won�t work for DC. I've also bookmarked the curriculum review website that Grinity recently posted.
Does anyone who's BTDT have any advice that they wish they�d known when they started homeschooling, or that has been helpful to them?
Also, I couldn�t find an �Ultimate Curriculum thread� or "Ultimate Homeschool Thread" (for resources/curriculum/ideas) when I searched this forum. If I started one, would anyone would be willing to participate in it? Or if there is something similar that I missed, could someone post a link here?
Can't wait to feel a little more in control about all this.