Well, I suppose your DS gets his anxiety from his mom.

OK, terrible, I know. So sorry!!!
We all worry about the unknown, and it makes it worse when our kids worry too. But you are very lucky to find a school with a program similar to the one he's in now. Yes, it's going to be a huge adjustment, but he will be fine!!! With the internet and technology these days, it makes it easier for kids to stay in touch too.
Can you have a "going away" party for him and his friends? Or maybe have his friends make a video for him, so he can watch it when he's down? Or make one Saturday a month a "Skype Party" day, so he can chat with these friends? Does he have a cell phone yet? If so, allow him to call his friends on certain days or text them on certain days/times, etc...
DS7 was REALLY nervous about moving from K to 1st last year, but his K teacher had a big lunch with just him the Friday before he moved. And he went to her class in the mornings to say hello before he ate breakfast (at school). After 2 weeks, he stopped going to her class in the mornings because he had made new friends and liked his new teachers. So more than likely, your DC will be fine as well.
And for the record, my DS gets his anxiety for me too.