Thanks so much for talking me down. Also, I'm glad I'm not alone with the separation anxiety! It is sooo bad here, I'm in the same boat - I'm RARELY alone in the bathroom for that reason!
I think the toys in there are just not ones she would choose, with the exception of the days when they play with blocks. She loves blocks, babies and computers. I know they have babies there, but no accessories. She likes to change their diapers, cook eggs for them and feed then, but them in the crib with a blanket, etc. They just have naked babies. She isn't allowed to play on the computer at school yet, but as soon as she gets a hang of the left-click only thing, I am going to try to push for it.
Thanks again. Being a first time mom to an UN-textbook baby, i have to let go of what other kids are doing and what my expectations were.
Ah, I know all about your worries! We've definitely worried about many of the same things. It turns out today that we did have the big tantrum at daycare when I left so I guess all is normal in the world.

I sure hope it ends soon!
I also wanted to comment on what Grinity said. We had a lot of the same worries about a nanny but have had a great experience with a part time name (definitely look into nanny shares too!). We have found that with her nanny she does speak quite a bit after she got used to her and her nanny often takes her to playdates or to the library to read and play with the other kids there. We looked for someone who was young and seemed like she could keep up with DD well (although many times she still looks like a bus ran over her after a few hours with DD!) and also not so set in her ways.