Books were my best friends and my escape growing up.
All of the L'Engle books have a very warm place in my memories. A Ring of Endless Light and A Swiftly Tilting Planet made the most impact on me. I think I read both of them around age 11.
Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover books.
The Little House on the Prairie Books.
I remember reading a book about a ghost girl who was a murdered child living along a river bank. While I can't remember the title, I know I was about 8 when I read it and even thinking about the book today makes me shiver

The Riverside Shakespeare at age 11. I was probably much too young to get many of the jokes, but I loved the flow of the words. I started reading it out loud to my older sister as she drove me around since she had to read it for homework. Then I started sneaking her English Lit textbook. She finally brought the Riverside home for me from the high school library so she could do her homework without hunting for her text book.