We have WISC scores of >99% but no other formal testing (and can't afford more at present).... I just need something simple to stop my self doubt at the moment.
Hope someone can help
Hi, I understand these doubts! I think most parents on this board do too. I think those scores are clearly an indication that something is needed for your children outside the regular curriculum. They are gifted, probably highly gifted. If you google on 'levels of giftedness' or 'dr. ruf' you will find some good info on getting an idea of where your kids fit on the continuum of gt (from moderate on up ..)
I do not have any links for something more 'test-y', probably someone around here does though.
I think you need to look further into acceleration, too. Arguments for and against. Lots of schools are loaded for bear with 'against' arguments, so if you do feel this is the best thing you need to come prepared with counter-arguments (of which there are many, plus supporting studies).
Very best of luck to you and your dd's with the meeting (twins?
