I'm trying to get my son in the local gifted program. We have moved in from out of state, and it is a royal pain.
About 17 months ago he took the WISC in another state, got a 136 verbal, but only about 90 on processing speed. Ended up with a GAI of 126.
At his new school, he failed his first screener, the Cog/At, with a score of about 110 verbal and 116 non verbal. He then was given a second "screener," Ravens, and scored in the 99th percentile, although I wasn't given his exact score.
He just took the Reynolds Intellectual Assessment and had the following scores:
Subtest Raw Score/Standard Score
Guess what 51 70
Odd Item Out 65 51
Verbal Reas. 36 69
What's Missing36 53
Index Scores Raw Score/Standard Score
Verbal 135 99
Nonverbal 105 63
Composite 121 92
Obviously there is a huge gap here. Would a processing speed problem affect these non-verbal scores? Just trying to figure out where to go from here, as the school requires a composite score of 125 for admission to the gifted program. Does testing protocol require any type of additional testing here?