Hmmm okay since DD is having free time in the other room I will post

What is free time to me....time that DD can chose whatever she wants to do and I let her be (not saying ANYTHING, as the rules of the house still apply LOL), although sometimes she wants me to join in, in which case I do. I myself am a firm believer in structure, probably because even as a child I always needed it or I felt lost. I was the kid that hated summers and wanted to go back to school because I needed that structure LMAO.
I have an observation about DD, and this is just strictly her personality. She needs breaks structured time as much as she does free time. Take yesterday for example, no structure here because of some personal issues occuring yesterday, and DD got more and more wound up throughout the day and was unable to calm herself thus resulting in a midnight bedtime. She was in her room, but unable to calm herself enough to sleep.
This happens often, if I dont intervene after a while and do something structures, her energy level goes up, up, up, the point it is insane. She has not learned self calming yet, although she is getting better. So what we have found works best is free time, structured time alternations throughout the day which works so much better, and she enjoys her day more.
Free time right now, she has chosen to draw....earlier it was legos, earlier today she decided to go out on the porch and shovel the snow (yep, she loves doing it and it is fun for her) Call her nuts, its okay LMAO. The theme through all of that, I did not even offer suggestions, she did it herself. Not to say I never say we can do this or this....I do, but that is usually resevrved for our structured time.
How much free time varies from day to day based on her mood as well as what we need to get done. I dont think there is any right answer. I don't think that even at 3 DD needs the whole day to play, because honestly lets face it, the kid enjoys doing science, math, and reading books way to much for play all day. But if I have those things out for her to do and she choses them I sat okay. I also say that on most day we do a little school everyday. Keeps me sane as a SAHM to be doing something structured, but hey she likes it, so HUGE help. I think it varies from child to child too. DD has a friend who totally resists structure of any kind and totally free plays all day. Works for her and her family at the moment. Would never work for DD, anytime DD plays there, she comes home and NEEDS something structured, heck she begs for it after there LOL.
I do think it gives her a chance to be creative, to figure herself out, and to play with her own thoughts....So for today she has probably had about 3.5 hours of free time so far. We went to the library, so although that is something she loves, begs for and enjoys, I don't consider it free time. We also did some visual perception worksheets as she is starting to read the chapter books where the lines are placed close together and her eyes skip alot which frusterates her, so we are working on somethings to help.
Okay so I have no clue if any of that made sense LOL. I am tired, Dh was out of town for a week, and has been sick since he got back, so has been at work or I have had no break in 2 weeks and my brain is fried! LOL