So this is where I was way back when and where DS7 will be in a few years. I don't care how many times I have reminded him his lunch money is in the lunch money spot, it still takes several days to get to the lunch lady AND that's only after he has called me to tell me his account is at $0. My initial question is always "did you look in the lunch money spot?". And his answer is always "no". And it's ALWAYS there.
I, on the other hand, have lists of lists of lists about making lists of all the things I need to make lists of... I try to keep the papers from coming out of my purse/drawers, but no such luck. I try to keep manuals with other manuals but often find the camera manual in the drawer by my bed, and the crock pot manual in the file labeled "manuals".
Since starting medicine for ADD/ADHD, it has become better... for me. But I do not want DS7 on meds if I can help it. Now ask me what I do for a living... that's right, I'm the one that keeps this place going, organized and create the processes to make things happen.
Maybe it's executive function issues. Maybe it's just being "us"... but very interesting post and another issue to research for me.