I'm a big believer in the "let 'em try it, but put it down" school of thought when it comes to books. I still use that philosophy when I'm reading. Life is too short to read a book that bores/troubles/annoys you, and there are too many books out there to read. (I think you are of this school of thought, too, Lorel, no? I think I remember that from a past thread.) I've started "War and Peace" three times, but I never get very far into it. I think I've finally come to the conclusion that the book simply isn't my cup of tea, and it's one classic that this recovering lit major will never read. C'est la vie!
Anyway, I think having things like "Lord of the Flies" available is a good idea, as long as it's accepted family practice for the child to walk away from the book if it's not working for him/her.
And BTW, shame on that librarian for browbeating you out of the fairy tales, Lorel! I still love to read fairy tales! They're one of those basic, fundamental story forms that appeal to something primal in us. Check out the front covers of Cosmo and other such magazines for women--it's a rare cover that doesn't refer to a fairy tale at least in passing! I LOVED teaching fairy tales when I taught children's lit to ed majors because they apply so neatly to so many life issues:
Roommate can't stop dating guys who need "fixing"? Read the pre-Disney version of "Beauty and the Beast" to her. (I had college students jumping out of their chairs about this one!)
Grass-is-always-greener syndrome got you in it's grasp? "Cinderella," complete with the stepsisters cutting off parts of their feet to fit into the fur slippers, is the story for you. (Glass slippers was a mistranslation, BTW.)
Feeling like you're trapped and there's no reason to be nice to the people around you? Read the Russian "Baba Yaga" and see what comes to those who help others.
I think everyone should read fairy tales regularly, especially the pre-Disney, not cleaned up variety that still have all the blood and fear left in them. They're not for sissies, and they're very satisfying!

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