Middle school starts at 7th here, so next year for DS. However, he's in a K12 charter this year because we weren't overly impressed with our experience last year.
But it's also possible that he could have a fantastic teacher that is taking him well beyond the "Terranova" level.

Since he only meets with his teacher at school for 3 hours a week, I'll take the credit for that one - just kidding, LOL. Actually, what we're seeing this year is that the material is still relatively easy for him, but we've been emphasizing the *quality* of his work. Underachievement is a big problem for us and having had the bare minimum on his part be enough in the past is hard to overcome. I don't know that another grade-skip is anything we'd even consider because DS is not...ummm...globally motivated. Even this year, it's been a struggle to get him to a point where he'll do his best on the work that he doesn't want to do - he may know the material, but he tries to get away with poor, sloppy, minimal effort. If he's interested, it's slightly different, but not much.
Secondly, with the first grade-skip he missed some crucial instruction in writing (which he hates), so we're really focusing on that. I can't see moving ahead to a point where more writing will be expected when there's already what he considers "too much writing" where he's at now, KWIM?
I'd just like to find a balance that keeps him challenged enough to help with the motivation. I feel like I'm not adequately expressing what I mean, UGH.
Anyway, thanks for the insights!