Thanks for the information. Here is the subtest breakdown:
information 19
vocabulary 18
comprehension 14**
Similarity 17
word reasoning 11**
general language:
perceptive vocabulary 18**
picture naming 16**
block design 17
matrix reasoning 18
picture concepts 16
picture completion 17**
Object assembly 17**
processing speed:
symbol search 16**
coding 11
verbal IQ 149
Performance IQ 144
processing speed 119
Full Scale IQ 146
General language composite 141
** means the optional test not used in computing FS IQ
For the word reasoning the report says: "He placed at the upper end of the Average range for word reasoning, but he was fatigued during that test and his score was aberrantly low compared to his demonstrated ability on other test."
The coding test is a timed test. It is the second to the last test and I peeked and eavesdropped.

This is the one he was really tired and refused to do more and hence "reduced the number of items he completed within the limit".
I have only one question to the test. When I called the tester and asked about the coding score (11) she said it is optional and it's a boring test even for adults. But in the report, the coding shows as a core test. The link below seems to suggest it's optional as well.
http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....3259/New_Here_Q_about_WPPSI_III_sco.htmlIf that's the case was the FSIQ calculated wrong, or they just marked ** in wrong place but the calculation was correct? Who can tell from the subtest score? Thanks.
To answer you question, I didn't have a particular reason to have him tested. It's his school director pushed for it. We knew he is very smart since he is very young but we didn't want to make it a big deal although we have been a little curious. But in the school all the teachers said he is special. One day the school director (he is in a private kindergarten because of two weeks later than the cutoff date) told us: "you son did my 5th grade son's homework in no time." I was not actually surprised. Then she said why don't you guys have him tested since there are opportunities out there. Then we started to ask ourselves: have we missed something for him? What opportunities are out there? That's why I joined the forum and started this thread.