Happy birthday to all the upcoming birthday kids!
Mom2twoboys - I sigh with you. We don't have an issue with speed, but with legibility. DS's handwriting is atrocious, and after our recent conference, his teacher is sending home practice sheets.
Speaking of recent conference, it was awful. Well, the conference with the classroom teacher was OK, but the one with the gifted teacher was horrible. We thought that DS would be getting more advanced math this year, since last spring he did most of the 2nd grade curriculum. But no, he's pretty much doing it over again. I'm pretty sure that none of the gifted books say anything about how it's a really good idea for gifted kids to repeat classes. Grrr. And then we learned that the plan all along was for DS not to do 3rd grade math this year at all! They have been giving pretests and if DS "shows mastery" then he gets to go to the gifted coordinator. But he's getting enrichment there, not progressing. And if he doesn't "show mastery" he goes to the class for the whole unit. But he gets it right away (he just needs a little review - it was last year after all), and then he gets enrichment that comes with the curriculum. Which, did I mention, he also did last year.
But the good news is that DS is still at the top of his class even after his grade skip. So I feel good that we did the right thing with the skip.