We had ds7's 2nd grade conference last night, and all went well. His teacher just gushes over him, and apparently the other kids in his class think he's the best thing since sliced bread. She gave an example of how she tried to explain something to the kids, and they just weren't getting it, so ds offered to explain - he explained it almost exactly the same way that she had, but the kids "got it" coming from ds. Apparently they view him as some kind of deity LOL. His 3rd grade math teacher was also there (he scored 96% for the 1st quarter). She said he's in the top group, along with 3 third graders. Apparently, if he doesn't show up on time for math, they're all asking where he is
I told her about his EPGY math, but of course forgot to take in the printouts
All in all, a good conference - they are trying hard to accomodate him, and he is happy in all respects, so can't complain too much