Nik - I know, we're coming to terms with the idea of having her skip another year. I think a big part of it is that she is our 1st and we still see her as a little kid, and it is hard to think of her with the "big kids".
I hadn't thought of what you said about her not being bossy if she is with people who are truly her peers. But, now that I think about it, when she plays with one of her friends, there is never an issue of her being bossy, or them not getting along or anything that you worry about when kids play together. In fact they play together so well that as soon as they see each other they disappear and only re-appear to ask for food or drink! This is such a novelty for us that I didn't connect the two until you mentioned it. This friend is 1 1/2 years older than her, and is also gifted, but probably not quite as much as DD and they are a perfect match for each other. He gets her to play dragon battle games and she gets him to dress up like a prince (in her dress up clothes) and "rescue" DD2 from the evil dragons they are fighting.

(We adults just need to be careful when we enter their area or we may become the evil wizard who rules the dragonland.)
She did her reading diagnostic test last week and we got an email that the teacher would like to discuss it with us, so we'll see what she has to say when we meet.
Yeah, in terms of inappropriateness of books her teacher last year (grade 2) had her reading Where the Red Fern Grows, and Cricket in Time Square!