DD appears to be left handed (she's 21 months). At times she's ambidextrous but then she always reverts back to her left hand. I did see on wikipedia, though, that left-handed/ambidextrous adults seemed to have had stressful births when they were born (as was the case for DD...).
I have often wondered why we in the gifted community pick up on the changes more than the average child's parents and I think it might do with the fact that our children are doing such advanced stuff at such an early age. BTW: I monitored my DD after reading that article and it was true. Every major milestone she completed she would switch hand preference. And my DD was writing before she was a year old so it was very noticeable when she made that switch.
I think because we can't turn our brains off.

From even before DD was born I had to research everything, look up what milestones to expect, what behaviors or common etc. I remember being so frustrated that more studies weren't done to better understand infant development. It's not like I had a ton of spare time either (I was finishing up my doctorate) but it was just too interesting, I had to research it.