Grinity - my first thought was "fear?? I'm not afraid of anything" but after consideration that isn't right. I am afraid for him as he gets older not doing well in school due to his writing issues. I remember all the gazillions of papers I wrote in high school and college and I write for a living now (not as an author) so writing is hugely important in my life and I guess coming from that perspective I am afraid of his not doing well in that area. He speaks extremely well so I am not worried about that but I do worry about his struggling as he gets older with all the written work that I know is coming. Maybe I'm just borrowing trouble by worrying now.
My father has always said my DS could be the next Steven Spielberg (no prejudice there!) because of his fantastic ideas and imagination and you are right, I don't need to let the lack of writing keep him from pursuing his talents to the fullest.
Speed? Amazing. I know what I want to say instantly. What you mostly see is me 'just letting it flow' with a tiny bit of edition on the fly.
This describes my DS exactly! He never has to think about what he is going to say - it just comes out of his mouth immediately. Honestly, I am impressed by this ability as I tend to mull over what I am going to say before I say it.
Please please please don't let spelling, grammar and punctuation be the bottle neck to expression - your son is still so young!
You are so right and I will start doing my best to see the forest rather than the trees in this area. The spelling, etc. will come with time (hopefully).
Dottie said :While the spelling/convention issues don't seem directly related to visual issues, they could be "delayed fallout" from the previous issues. He could be a bit behind based on what he's ever been able to fully process, kwim? I'm guessing he'll take off soon, thanks to his visual remediation.
The spelling issues don't seem to be related unless it is because his working memory is so taken up with trying to write on the line, etc. that he can't remember to do the other. But I really have no idea. Hopefully he will take off soon - I hate seeing him struggle.
Isa - he has 9 different therapies that he does and he does 4 a day for 5 minutes each. We are getting ready to run out the door to therapy right now but I will get back to you on which ones are similar to the ones in the link you sent me.
I so appreciate everyone taking the time to respond to this. It is something I worry about and it is something I want to help him with. I want both my children to excel as much as they can and use their talents to the fullest. Thanks for the help!