This is my 1st post on this board.
My bright 5 yr old son has unusual interests- geography and lighthouses. (He likes learning about everything- but these are his primary interests now.)
He has been obsessed with both of these things since he was 3. He learned about geography from puzzles and books, and remembers the shapes and locations of countries. He is also very knowledgeable about lighthouses- he can recognize them and tell you all about them. We've visited a lot of lighthouses.

He started kinder a few weeks ago. The other day he told me that none of the kids in his class share his interests. He said that there is no one he can really talk to, and it makes him feel sad. (Then he added- I have lots of friends I can play with though.)
He's a very outgoing kid, and likes to play sports, draw, and do other activities like the other kids. He has a few play dates a week, and keeps busy. (He is an only child.) I just wish he had some friends who are more like him- kids who either share his interests or are passionate about something and very verbal. Any suggestions?
His school doesn't put kids in the gifted program until 3rd grade (and I don't know if he'll get into it.)
Many thanks.