Hi again, so sorry not to get back sooner. We've had lots of weekend activities going on and I couldn't get back here.
I feel that my son's issues are related to being on the higher end of the gifted scale. When the suggestion is made about him having AS, by multiple people, and when I read so many "symptoms" that I thought were due to being gifted, I have to stop and think that perhaps I have written off AS symptoms as gifted issues.
I know that there is no way to really know for sure without having someone who knows about these things to evaluate him. But to answer some questions, I do think he is very loving and empathetic. He makes eye contact, though does have a tendency to look away a lot during conversation. (I do this, too.) One of the things that I read in the book that AS parents often say to others about their child is "He/she is very literal." I have said that since he was three! He has intense interests, but they aren't super specific or what I would call obsessive.
I did let him take the Sally and Anne Test. He didn't answer the way that he should have. He also took two other similar tests that were listed in the book that I referenced above in my op. He didn't answer those correctly either. Needless to say, my dh and I were concerned. Then, later in the day after the last two tests, he came to me and told me that he had thought about it and he thought that he should have answered the other way. He explained to me why he said what he did at first, and it amounted to him reading too much into the stories. I am terrible about doing this too. I was never able to do well on multiple choice or T/F tests because of this issue. That said, I have to ask myself if I'm dismissing this and trying to see things the way that I want them to be.
I don't think that I mentioned it in my op, but we are in a very rural area. Anything "different" really stands out. I'm from here so I can say that.

I have the same issues, but I think it's a bit easier to deal with as an adult. Anyway, I so much appreciate the kind words and offers to chat. I will likely take you up on that when I have time.
Okay, I'll drop this for now. Thanks!
Congrats to everyone else who has started the year off in a good way. Sounds to me like things are going well for many. That's so good to hear.