You aren't alone, we are considering asking for DS8, starting 3rd, to be accelerated in science, but we don't want to do it until the math acceleration part is nailed down and that may happen today or in the next week or so. We are trying to decide whether to ask for the science this year, or wait until he takes Explore this year and see how the math acceleration goes and then, assuming both of those are working well, ask for him to do 6th grade science in addition to math when he starts 4th (since he will have to be at the jr. high anyway - I suspect the scheduling issue will be horrendous and that will be the reason behind any denial).
Leaning toward not asking until next year. Since we are new to all this, we don't want to ask for too much, or push him too hard (and his writing skills are not strong, which could cause issues with the science perhaps?).
And I agree with Dottie, elementary science is ridiculous, at least here. Last year in second grade DS brought home a science sheet - it required him to name the parts of a flower. So you are probably thinking stamen, etc. Nope, the only labels required were, get this: stem, petal, root!
