Encountered something today I haven't really faced before. Wondering how you guys would have handled it:
DS6 and I were at the aquarium. Now all kids have their expertise and DS6's happens to be many different kinds of creatures (sea creatures, frogs, cheetahs, etc.) He was really excited to see the Electric Eel and proceeded to tell me all sorts of things about it excitedly, including that it's not an eel and why. He had read a book about electric fish last year.
Well, this just didn't sit well with the many other kids around him. Kids were trying to correct him. He was getting irate with them, explaining exactly WHY the Electric Eel is a fish and not an eel. These kids ranged from 10 on down and just kept arguing with him. One parent called it an eel loudly to her kids, clearly perturbed at my son. I prompted him quietly to explain how he knew what he was saying, and he said he read it in a book. Eventually, the crowd broke and we moved on.
But really, how do you handle it when your kid is being a know-it-all ... even if he is right?
Last edited by mom2twoboys; 08/09/10 04:38 AM.