I put off commenting on this thread because sleep is NOT my favorite topic!!!!!
Where to begin...........DD7 never wanted to sleep, EVER, when she was a baby. I read that Ferber book too. And since I was a new mom I decided to try the thing with letting them scream themselves to sleep. I think that was the Ferber book, maybe another one.
I got a bottle of wine. Not the regular size, the real big one. DH and I settled in with a movie to let her scream.
This child screamed at the top of her lungs for three hours! I am not exaggerating.
After she was asleep I checked on her only to find she had gotten herself so upset she had vomited split pea baby food all over and was sleeping in it. Lovely, I know mom of the year right?
She was so stubborn, we have this awesome video of her sitting in her crib, refusing to lay down. She would start to drift off and fall forward slightly and then jerk awake right before she fell asleep. If I remember correctly, this went on for at least an hour.
Not so funny, both girls report that quite often they wake up in the middle of the night. DD7 especially doesn't like it and asked me if she can start taking Ambien.
