Just to update. I left a note for the teacher yesterday afternoon, but I saw him this moring as I was dropping her off at before care. I spoke to him because she was finishing up her homework in the before care and she was afraid of what he would say!
I explained the issue and he said something non-commital like "thanks for letting me know". I could tell he wasn't particularly happy about it, but whatever. The camp is almost over now and next year we'll understand better. So we may skip it next summer and do it again the next year when she'll be eligible for the sleep away camps.

MON, she really does LOVE the class. It would be better if we could have done the second session, that way she would have had more of a break from school before the session started. But the second session did not work for us for various reasons and our school system went very late this year because of all the snow days we had from "Snow-mageddon" this winter!