We recently signed up with Evan-Moor's TeacherFileBox.com. It's a subscription-based site with a ton of printable worksheets and file folder games (over 50,000, or so they claim), from pre-K to grade 6 level. The great part is that they can be searched by theme, so if your children are into a particular topic, you can probably find a relevant activity. I was amused to see that they even have a worksheet about batteries (DS4's preoccupation at the moment). There are also hundreds of Spanish/English worksheets, to add another level of challenge.

If you have multiple young children who enjoy worksheets, this resource might be worth looking into. I think it will be a very useful to our homeschooling, both as writing practice for DD6, and as an easy way for the little ones to join their siblings and "do school too." The full price is a bit steep ($100/yr), but we signed up through Homeschool Buyer's Coop for a 40% discount. That offer is finished, but maybe they'll have it again before too long.