I�m quite frustrated/disappointed right now so I am taking a �Mommy time-out� to collect myself and beg for guidance. Please forgive how disjointed this sounds.
DS5 seems to amplify (my description of it) other children�s behavior �especially when they are being wild or silly.
Few examples from this week:
-Other kids were dancing to music, DS begins dancing, flailing and eventually knocking others down. He doesn�t do it to be mean, he just completely lacks the awareness to see that he is out-of-control.
-His summer day camp instructor mentioned that he became crazy, wild during the group�s morning assembly/song time. The group leader has the kids sit down and stand-up, clap hands, stomp feet, etc. to the music which just becomes a catalyst for him to be wild and crazy.
-Today at Mathnasium (normally his favorite part of the week), he was filling a cup from a water cooler. He managed to over-fill it (absent minded? Intentional?) and water began pouring onto the floor. The other kids began laughing at this so DS hammed it up a bit and made it happen more, while laughing uncontrollably. Then, he took the overflowing cup of cold water and threw it on his teacher so she was completely drenched. (How is it that the kid can�t throw a ball but manages to hit his target this time??

Ugh!!) The program director said that he did it to be silly and it wasn�t being malicious. He then cried for some time and was difficult for them to console.
He�s never done anything quite like this- We had SMALL issues with this similar wild behavior in the past (particularly when he was around young kids) but now it is disrupting his activities enough that I�m afraid he won�t be able to continue participating. DS is the youngest kid at Mathnasium, his future school and some of his other activities. So, to some extent, he needs to be well-behaved and in-control in order to be given those privileges. Overall, he�s a really good kid but this wild behavior seems to be escalating.
ETA: I really feel like the behavior is unintentional, perhaps a self-control issue or a factor of his overall intensity.