Stumbled on this yesterday, and thought it was worthy of mention:

It's downloadable software that lets you/your child create pages/content to practice any type of handwriting with. I only downloaded it yesterday (one-week free trial, then it kicks into a waterdowned version unless you pay the hefty $40 pricetag), but it is intuitive/easy to use if you know your way around word processors.

In one sense, this program seems like it was tailor-made for gifted kids, whose minds are so way ahead of the content that appears in your typical writing practice workbooks/worksheets. On the other hand, I can see one danger: the kid dictates/types way more than s/he is capable of tracing before frustration hits. But I think that you can establish guidelines to make that a non-issue. Anyway, it seems like a wonderful program, worth the try. I imagine someone could make a template on Word for free that would meet a similar function (though, this is VERY customizable). I haven't the time or technical expertise to try it, but maybe this software will inspire someone to do something -- or maybe you know of a similar, cheaper resource?