Hi matmum - I too wish I had advice. My dd, now 4, is only just starting to be able to entertain herself. I think really until now - as amazedmom suggested, dd always needed someone to answer questions/do the things she couldn't physically do herself etc. Now she only needs my undivided attention for 2/3s of the day

It's been a long process and I have had to force her to spend time on her own, even for 20 minutes - often she would just sit there and do nothing until I was available again (one of the few times she would just sit!) She just doesn't stop. Even when I read to her she is wriggling, jiggling and jumping - but she's listening and can recite everything you've said. The only time she slows down is to read to herself before lights out - she wont read to herself during the day though (unless she's strapped down in the car...)
I do second the puzzles - that was something she would spend some time doing at that age, especially the block ones that form a different picture on each side. They took a bit of time as she had to find the right sides before she could put them together.
I think it's just how these kids are (though hope someone else can give you a different answer!). Amazedmom - I don't know that I'd could have done it with a second either!