I did have the extended norms done after the fact for my dd. Her FSIQ went up 14 points, but I already figured the FSIQ was an underestimation (she hit 7 out of 10 ceilings) so I'm not sure I gained much insight on that point. What did become clear to me was that she was not just a 'mathy' kid and that getting only math accommodations at school was not going to be enough for her. Her PR went up 4 points but her VC went up 14. Her VC score is 11 points higher than her PR score. It was a bit of an eye-opener for me.
Of course it also raised some questions. Her WM is actually her highest score (by 2 points), so why can't she remember to come downstairs in the morning wearing socks and why does she never remember where she left her homework?