It isn't the intelligence or necessarily the subject matter that is the issue it is the attitude where the issues begin. I love hs'ing my son, but his attitude / impatience / rudeness / and inability to accept mistakes makes me insane! Therefore we had to put him into a GT program in town. We are not happy with the program, he complains constantly about how easy the work is. As we see it he is backsliding, and gets away with doing just the minimal amount. It is really depressing for us, but I want to be his MOM and not someone with whom he takes out his frustrations on. He always appologizes afterwards, and he's commented that he doesn't know why he gets so upset with me, yet with his teachers in school he doesn't get angry with them! (I'm glad he sees this - but wish he could control himself - and not go for the Power Struggle)
I dealt with this for years and the only way I could even begin to make some sort of sense of my son's behaviour was to accept that I was his comfort zone. I was the one person he could behave in front of like this, to vent his frustrations with the world. Perhaps at the end of the day he knew the love was unconditional, mind you it didn't make it paradise for me!
When it came to frustration at home and the rudeness started I also would walk away, he would always come looking for me when he was ready. If the frustration was a result of school or some other outside cause, depending his mood when he came through the door, I would either listen without interjecting or let him stomp straight to his room. I would then just wait till he was ready to come out.
Best news is, he did outgrow it!