Our meeting went very well. I'll start at the beginning, though...
Last night I sat and talked with dd. It took a while but we finally started to get to the root of the problem. One issue is that are things in class that are repetitive and she doesn't like that. The main issue, however, really has nothing to do with boredom at all, though. Dd started talking about the class working on a new subject and how on their pre-test, she got every answer wrong. She was very disappointed with herself for not already knowing the material. We talked about how she's not going to know everything and that that is ok!
So at the meting her teacher told me that she talked with dd this morning to try and get an idea about whats bothering her. We all 3 sat and talked about what she liked and disliked and I think it was good for dd to verbalize these issues with both of us. She opened up about the repetition and her teacher explained to dd the benefit of making sure an idea is completely understood and also that any time dd has mastered something her teacher takes it a step further with dd, giving dd more complex versions of whatever they're working on. I don't think dd realized that.
There was a lot discussed and since Im typing one handed (had wrist surgery) I will cut this short but after our conversation it was very clear that dd's teacher was very concerned and very willing to do whatever she needs to to make sure dd is challenged and happy. I think dd felt a million times better after this as well.
Oh, and re; the science issue...Her teacher got dd permission to enter the school's science fair!

I guess its for 3-6 graders and the projects are class or group projects but they are allowing dd to submit an individual project. You should've seen dd's face light up when she heard the news. It was wonderful.
Anyway, thanks for your suggestions and advice, ladies. I'm very happy that I took the advice to talk with her teacher.