Thanks, Dottie!
Reading aptitude on my WDRB (1997 version, part of my dyslexia battery) includes sound blending, oral vocabulary, memory for sentences, and visual matching. I didn't report it correctly above. Her reading aptitude is *183* leading a predicted standard score of 162 in broad reading, basic reading, and reading comprehension. She didn't hit 162 in any of those composites (151, 152, and 143 respectively). A 19 point discrepancy in aptitude vs. comprehension would be an important finding in my regular dyslexia testing but in the upper reaches of scoring it's pretty meaningless.
DD's subtests:
letter-word ID: 155
word attack: 156
reading vocab: 135
passage comprehension: 138
incomplete words: 138
sound blending: 170
oral vocab: 160
listening comprehension: 144
memory for sentences: 161
visual matching: 141
She blew away all of the decoding and mimicking subtests but was afraid to "be wrong" on the challenging questions of subtests requiring application. Also, she truly didn't know some word meanings in the last few questions of those tests.
I guess what I am getting at... is it within the realm of possibility that I have a DYS kid? If EXPLORE is high enough, I'll use that as achievement testing. I am nervous about having an FSIQ done because I don't want to be disappointed, but my gut tells me that she needs more advocacy than an OLSAT and some SAT10 results can provide.