We are considering applying to the Davidson Institute in Reno NV for our daughter who turned 7 in February. When she was still 6yrs old, (last October) we had her tested. The test they gave was the WISC-IV. Her scores were:
VCI- 124 (95th percentile)peers her age from a national sample.
PRI- 139 (99.5th percentile)
WMI-138 (99th percentile)
PSI-121 (92nd percentile)
Full Scale IQ she scored 138 (99th percentile)
on the qualifying scores page it says:
Wechsler Intelligence Test -IV (WISC IV) 145 or above for : Full Scale or Verbal/Critical Reading and/or Perceptual Reasoning
So I'm confused if she would or wouldn't qualify?
Anyone have any thoughts? I'm just the non smart mom! LOL
My husband and I just want to give her every chance in the world to do whatever she wants!

Thanks for your input!