Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for all of your responses - they have really helped me feel better (getting home from my travels and seeing my kids helped too

). I did a ton of searching on the internet last night and was unable to find anything that related the comprehension score to "over-functioning parenting" (or really much at all about "over-functioning parenting).
We will definitely do as advised and speak to the tester to try to clarify the responses. My DS seems fine with older kids - he is pretty much fine with kids of all ages and his teacher has said he is a class leader, so I am not really concerned with the social issues (just panicked by the numbers I think - but when I think about it there really shouldn't be a concern).
Dottie, we will be doing full achievement testing once we meet with the school to see what (if any) sorts of tests they are willing to look at and consider for subject acc. etc.
As for DYS, it would def. be nice to have the help of a consultant, etc. but I can't imagine asking them to recalculate it - heh. And you know, honestly, I think the help I find on this board is so useful, it doesn't make much difference, it just makes me so grateful for everyone's assistance, and makes me think hats off to those of you parenting those really incredibly wild high scoring kids, because I have my hands full with this kiddo, and I can't imagine it being more intense (wow, that was some run-on sentence)!