Thought I would give an update and share my latest frustrations. At the open house (not the best place to get into a discussion) his teachers both mentioned it and I told them that I felt he needed to be more challenged. His math teacher commented that she agreed she could probably teach him the whole year of 4th grade math in a week but if she did that "the other kids would want it too." I really was rendered speechless and still am (at least of anything nice to say.) We left with he could work on the computer on more advanced math games once he finished his work. Not the best solution but it was something. Then the GT teacher started with her project and using all spare time available (my other thread).
Last week DS came to us asking about more involved geometry questions which is what they were working on at school. DH and I showed him the formula to figure the length of the sides of a triangle and he got it as well as figuring the angles. This is stuff I remember learning in 10th grade and I told him that. Well at school, he asked his teacher if he could learn 10th grade geometry and she told him to focus on 4th grade first. (rut-roh).
Then I get this yesterday:
[DS}seems very distracted in class. Over the past few days it's become progressively difficult to keep him involved in the projects at hand. I know he wants things to be more challenging, but I'm not seeing him master the on-level tasks in order to increase the difficulty. Could you talk to him and see what's going on, please? I'd love to help, but just not sure where to begin.
So I casually asked him about school last night. He says things are going great. He did say she got aggravated with the class yesterday and stopped the lesson and gave them a packet of worksheets. Well he got stumped on one but couldn't ask her b/c she has an "ask 3" rule.
Apparently he's supposed to ask 3 of his fellow students before he bothers her to do her job. But in this case he couldn't b/c they weren't allowed to talk. Now, I have already told him that in this case I don't think the "ask 3" rule would apply (nor do I think it should ever apply but I digess). But beyond that he doesn't seem to have any issues. He's gotten straight A's and when I log on to check his current grades there are none posted (figures). So I responded to the email asking her for specific examples and I'm waiting for her response.