Well, day one is behind us!
I formally withdrew them from school this morning and we went down and picked up their stuff.
The kids wanted to get right down to business, so I let them decide on a list of things to do for the day with the understanding that we will have to adjust it and we will not be doing the same things every day.
They each wrote a one page story, spent about 20 mins doing math, spent some time reading. I had them pick out words from their reading to be vocab/spelling words and we looked those up and practiced them a bit.
DD wanted to learn to play her recorder (which we had bought for the school music program which she never got to do because the music program was cut for lack of funds.) So I found a fingering chart online and away she went!
DS got all excited about a cross-stitch project and said he would work on it for art.

I signed them up for swimming lessons and for EPGY reading, writing and math classes. That should take care of the basics, and we can do our history and science in the form of fun projects and outings.
I'm excited that we will be able to add special stuff like Spanish, art and music which they didn't get at school!
Does anybody have recommendations for spelling?