Yeah, dd's January SAT scores came about a week ago. Dd#2's Feb. Explore results can take up until the end of March or early April from what our local talent search says. Those kids who tested sooner will hopefully get them sooner!
I am really wanting to know how dd did on the Explore b/c I need more "ammo" to see if I can convince her school to give her a GT identification. While they put her in the GT reading class, the coordinator tells me that they require two of the following for a formal id and that she doesn't have two: ability, achievement, behavioral scales. She does have two IQ tests with the VCI in the 99.7 and 99, respectively and the PRI in the 99th on the first as well as GAIs of 99.9 and 97 respectively, which they are willing to accept in lieu of the CogAT for ability.
The achievement part is the area where we are running into trouble. They apparently are only looking at MAPs and CSAP (NCLB state test). Dd's MAPs scores are wildly erratic ranging from the 50s to 90s and we have gotten that same "good guessing" c**p about the higher MAPs scores. Her CSAPs were all proficient and some bordering on advanced, but none were advanced.
However, her WIAT scores from last May were in the 98th for math, 99th for writing, and 95th for reading and her GORT (an individual reading achievement test) from the same time is in the 98th for reading. The GT coordinator tells me that she isn't sure that they can use this much "alternate data." I'm sorry for the long OT post! I am just really frustrated.
The big issue for her is not placement, b/c they aren't going to do anything more for her even with an id. The issue is that, when she hits middle school (6th grade), she will be changing districts and that district would absolutely be iding her for math and reading with these scores. However, by the time she gets there, the scores will be too old for a new id and we'd have to retest IQ and everything. I just want her placed such that she has doors open to her in middle school in case she needs or wants them.
Her Explore scores may not help anyway, but it would be good to know. Thank you for letting me vent
