The EPGY program would default set him at 6.5. You could then see how he does. My DD10 was beginning ALEKS 6th and we put her all the way back to 4.5 and had her come forward because she didn't retain well with ALEKS compared to how she is doing with EPGY. The best suggestion would be to check the scope and sequence and just see how he does. I think Dandy or another parent here has commented recently on transitioning their child at this level from ALEKS to EPGY? My DD does very well with math but doesn't have the passion that some of the other kids here have, it is a means to an end for her, science is her passion and she has to have the math for that. I also use EPGY as a supplement because we homeschool so that paces us a little differently then those that use it as a main program. My DD started 6th the second week of January and uses it an average of three times a week for the lowest setting and she is around half way through right now. I'm sure it is taking her longer than many other kids on this forum would take,

but just to give you an idea of pacing. Suggested pacing according to EPGY is 2.5 quarters per course.

EPGY is designed to be run independently by the student. It is actually counterproductive for a parent to work on new concepts in tandem with the student. Students are encouraged to work through the lecture and problems independently and the parent or teacher is there if a problem arises that a student needs additional help, such as replaying missed problems and providing additonal details to help students obtain the listed skill.
EPGY is often used independently in schools by students who are working ahead of grade level. It is used by districts as a supplement to current curriculum and by homeschoolers as a main program or as a supplement. For more information on use you can visit the website under FAQ's.