Hi Grinity,
Just scanned over Dr. Ruf's five levels of gifted. Embarrassed to say, DH and I are having a hard time remembering DD and DS's younger days. LOL. Hopefully this will give you a basic idea:
1. For reading, puzzles, games, math, watching TV, playing computers: DD and DS are mostly in level 4, with some in level 3 and maybe 1-2 items in level 5 (such as knowing the alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes early).
2. For DD (almost 6): with the exception of pretty good fine motor skills, her gross motor has always been more age-appropriate (such as writing or using scissors). As for speech, she actually did not say a word until after 2 years of age. But although she did not speak, she was able to pick out the right card, point to the right object, and follow instructions well.
As far as music goes.... When she was taking piano (around age 4), her teacher was impressed with her rapid progression and her ability to learn to read the music notes (the first few songs in Suzuki Book 1 for piano). Until the practice got too overwhelmed for both of us.
3. For DS4: His fine motor was considered advanced. His general motor and speech are more age appropriate. He enjoys playing checkers and chess. He does not have any strategies, but simply following the rules to have fun. As for computer games, he loves to talk about what's needed to solve a particular level during dinner time.
Thank you again!
PS: Tried to PM you, but your mailbox is full!

Once the test results are back, I will try to PM you again. Happy Holidays!
Edited: after reading some of level four's parents' comments, I am not so sure if DD and DS are "gifted" at that level or they are exposed to the info and reached the listed milestones at an earlier age. For one, DC rarely "immediately" or "automatically" shout out answers. Often, a situation presented itself, we talked about it, and they asked some questions and listen to some examples, then they get the idea.