In your situation, If your schedules allow, maybe try to get involved in the reading is fundamental program or something similar. It is a great program and also lets you experience the difficulties that some children have with learning to understand the concepts of reading. Big Brothers/Big Sisters might also be a possibility.
Hi Aimee, welcome!
I think that the above idea is wonderful, although it still might not quite do the trick, so I think that you should look for opportunities when DH gets judgemental at YOU, and figure out how to break through his ODP (other directed perfectionism) ASAP. Some people just don't realize that everyone isn't as they are - and are continually dissapointed. In the adult world, experience in some narrow little area counts for so much that I think it's easy to assume that all competent-at-their-jobs people are 'the same.'
Well good luck, and try Greenspan's book, "Freeing our families from perfectionism."