The principal finally called me back. She told me over and over how unfocused Isaac is. She said that if his lack of focus doesn't improve she's not sure if he's going to make it through 1st grade next year. She said that she's not saying that he's not gifted and that he exhibits some gifted signs but he needs to stay in kindergarten for social skills. She gave an example of them reading a book to the class and how Isaac started crawling under the table. I tried to explain to her that it's because he's not interested in the books they're reading (mostly board books) but she was talking so fast I couldn't get a word in.
She said that they're going to do two 15 minute sessions of 1st grade reading material with him during the day. The teacher's aid will do it. They've said things like this before and it hasn't happened so I don't know if I believe her or not. I also wish they'd have tested him because I have a 2nd grade reading book here that he does fine with. She said they'd try to put him in 1st grade math everyday which is 45 minutes. She said a few times that she didn't know if it would work and she wasn't sure if he'd be able to understand 1st grade math so I'm not too optimistic about that either. I was able to tell her that he's doing well above 1st grade math on a program that we have here.
I guess I need to take what I can get but I still don't think it's what Isaac needs. He dreads school, I dread school. He told me that he doesn't want to learn anything anymore and when I asked him what he learned at school today he told me that he learned not to be bad